Computer '98
The biggest Amiga show on Earth
13.-15. November, Cologne, Germany


This year's Computer '98 will again be the biggest and most important AMIGA show in the world. In past years about 50.000 visiters came to see the latest in AMIGA technologie and meet the companies and programmers. This year's highlight are the announcement of AmigaOS 3.5, the announcement of new PowerPC boards and the demonstration of many new software titles for 68k and PowerPC AMIGAs.

This year's show will again be the greatest and biggest Amiga event of the year.
So don't miss it and join the party...

computer '98

Of course Haage&Partner will be at this show, presenting the latest products. We will have 2 displays at Amiga International's stand and 6 at our own one E34/D35. So we are able to show you a lot of interesting products like:

  • Our new word processor AmigaWriter 1.2 (new version)
  • The well known paint package ArtEffect 3 (new version)
  • Support for PowerPC and fast 3D graphics: WarpUP and Warp3D
  • The new powerful developer bundle StormC DSK
  • Get into the Net with the finest Internet suite NetConnect 2.1 (new version)
  • The best fax & voice solution STFax Pro 3.5 (new version)
  • The new video package VideoFX 2 (new product)
  • Now with PowerPC support: X-DVE 3.50 (new version)
  • Font effect generator FontMachine 3.20 (new version)
  • Outstanding rendering and animation package Tornado3D 2 (new version)
  • SoftLogik's latest Version of PageStream 3.4 (new version)
  • and a lot more...

You are welcome to visit us...


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